Vigo Cemetery

Springwater, Ontario, Canada


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St. Mary's Church at Vigo, built in 1869-71 was blessed and dedicated by Rt. Rev. Northgraves of Toronto. Vigo Church was built in 1869 by the late James McVeigh, father of late James McVeigh and D'Arcy McVeigh. The Property was given by Denis Gallagher first Postmaster of Vigo. He owned the farm where Harold Smith now resides. Mr. Gallagher gave 10 acres and some years ago Henry Smith bought 8 1/2 acres leaving the part where the cemetery is. In 1881 when the fire swept through part of the large cross was burnt leaving the church standing. The cross fell into the cemetery between the O'Neill Plot and the church. It was never removed and rotted way into the soil. There is a grove of Evergreen surrounding the plot of Con. Sexton. The Vigo Church was eventually torn down and the timber taken to Mount St. Louis and used in building the Rectory there. The alter was also used in the House Chapel. Dave Kenney was the contractor and organized the removal. The porch was removed intact and set up on the farm then owned by Jack Kenney. Some bodies were removed and interred in the cemetery at Phelpston but several stones still mark the resting place of the pioneers.
Vigo Cemetery, Vytvořil Cathy, Springwater, Ontario, Canada