Old Harley Cemetery

Dorchester, Dorchester, South Carolina, United States


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This cemetery is located just northwest of the Dorchester Public Works building on the west end of the Four Holes Swamp Bridge at the junction of Hwy 78 and Hwy 178 in Dorchester County, SC. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, William Harley operated a tavern with post office and maintained a toll bridge across the swamp. After his death, his widow continued to operate Harley's Tavern, post office, and the bridge, and later William's son James S. Harley took over. The bridge over Four Holes Swamp at this location continued to be called Harley's or Harley Bridge in maps at least through 1920. The cemetery itself is located just to the northwest of the DPW building on the west side of the road on a slight rise. Only two gravestones are now visible. Cemetery Name from Cemetery Inscriptions of Dorchester County, South Carolina, by Lillian H. Harley et al. (St. George, South Carolina: Dorchester, Eagle-Record Publishing Company, 1978-1979) as published on the Internet at http://www.oldplaces.org/dorchester/cemeteries/harley.html
Old Harley Cemetery, Vytvořil snesnow , Dorchester, Dorchester, South Carolina, United States