Landrum Cemetery

Caneyville, Grayson, Kentucky, United States


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Události na hřbitově Landrum Cemetery

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This cemetery is not easy to find without a GPS. The road that Landrum Cemetery is on is not Free Zion Church Rd as labeled on the maps. The road sign is actually Free Zion Cemetery Road. The road that you take to get to Free Zion Cemetery Rd is not Free Zion Church Rd. It is labeled Free Zion Rd. Now once you get to this intersection, you will know you are at the right place because there is a church there called Free Zion Union Baptist Church. Once you are at this intersection, you turn on to Free Zion Cemetery Rd and go about a half mile on a very nice gravel road. Once you come to a big barn with a John Deere logo painted on it. You have to turn right like you are going up the hill onto a grassy gravel road. You will take this road back past the house about half mile to the cemetery that will be on the right and a big open barn on the left. You will have to cross a small stream. We had a pickup and made it with no problem. It appears this cemetery is not listed with the Grayson County Historical Society.
Landrum Cemetery, Vytvořil Keith and Ruthann, Caneyville, Grayson, Kentucky, United States