Greenwood Cemetery

Canon City, Fremont, Colorado, United States


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This Parks Department is responsible for operating and maintaining Greenwood Cemetery. Greenwood Cemetery consists of 14 acres and is considered a “natural” dry landscape cemetery that requires periodic landscape care. Greenwood Cemetery (Pioneer) is the final resting place for many of Canon City's pioneering families. Greenwood Cemetery is reserved for descendants or family members of those families already interred at the cemetery. WHERE TO LOCATE BURIALS: Any person trying to locate any person buried at Greenwood Cemetery should call 719-269-9024 or go to the Cemetery Sales Office at 221 Griffin Ave (North-West corner of Centennial Park) between the hours of 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM, and 1 PM - 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The City maintains an extensive computer database designed to locate deceased members of the community. There is also a burial registry on site. It should be noted that there is a section as you enter that belongs to the cemetery(100F)across the street and there are folks buried in this section that is 100F cemetery and not Greenwood. You can view this on the Cemetery map that Billion Graves provides. Greenwood Cemetery is open to the public from sunrise to sunset. The cemetery is closed after dark. Native grass (dry land) sections of Greenwood Cemetery are not provided with irrigation water and are maintained on an as-need basis. Native areas are not mowed more than a few times each year or as-needed.
Greenwood Cemetery, Vytvořil BillionGraves, Canon City, Fremont, Colorado, United States