First Holland Cemetery

Hawthorne, Passaic, New Jersey, United States


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Also known as Holland Cemetery and Vermuelen Cemetery. Right next to the Ahavath Joseph cemetery on Brockhuizen Lane is another cemetery that is easy to overlook in the wooded area because it has no entrance or borders and most of its headstones have fallen into the leaves and foliage. At the time of Hawthorne’s birth most of the settlers were of Dutch origin and descent. According to the Hawthorne Historical Society, this cemetery used in the 1800s by local Dutch churches. Today, the cemetery is abandoned. Very few graves remain and most of the bodies were exhumed and sent to the Fair Lawn cemetery. Exploring the remaining grave stones, you can see one that is for a child who died at age one and other stones that are written in Dutch. The headstone of Meindert Prol. reads, “There remains a rest for the people of God. Remembrance of Meindert Prol. Elder of the first Holland Church in Paterson NJ. Deceased on 21. Jan. 1889. In the Age of 62 years. 4 months. 22 days. In silent tomb nobody sings praises the Lord’s soul plunged without lye in the dust can not him Glory. But our tongue sing for in harmony in uniformity. …Praise God the source… life.” The translation is rough due to the dialect. There is much to explore in this section of the woods. Some say there is an old German cemetery near this one, and as you enter from the road, you’ll see six little stone spires that stick out of the ground in a rectangular format; this is suspected to be an enclosed area for someone of great importance.
First Holland Cemetery, Vytvořil BillionGraves, Hawthorne, Passaic, New Jersey, United States