Cross Cemetery

Mount Pleasant, Maury, Tennessee, United States


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Also known as the William Sims Family Graveyard. This cemetery is on private land and is disintegrating. There are only 3 legible stones, however there are footstones that are also on this property. Here is its history: Cross Cemetery was established by William Sims and land was reserved in his will for it. The three surviving markers had people that died within a two month period in 1839. Although the cause of these deaths are not known, we do know that typhoid fever was a constant threat which could strike whole neighborhoods and bring about multiple deaths with a few days. This may have been the case here, for the legible stones. Copy of letter from Mrs. Viola Hunt, Waxahatchie, Texas to Mrs. Victoria Lewis of 1225 12th St. S., Birmingham, Alabama. (Viola was the great-granddaughter of William Sims.) 30 December 1900: The letter basically states the following: "Our great grandfather, William Sims was a Colonel in the American army during the Revolutionary War. He lived at the old homestead in Hanover Co., near Richmond, until their 12 children reached maturity or thereabouts. He moved westward in 1807, stopping one year in East Tennessee, thence to Maury Co., Tennessee, at which place he settled in 1808 and died in 1814, four miles from Mt. Pleasant, and buried at the family graveyard set apart by him on his own estate." I too, Anna Sims Young, am a descendant of William Sims, he being my 5th great-grandfather. As I knocked on the door of the wonderful people who currently own the property in Maury, I found new "friends" willing to get a weed-eater out on a Sunday afternoon to let me see the small cemetery and the headstones. William's great-granddaughter claims he was buried on the property. If this is so, his wife, Judith, is also more than likely buried on the property as well as their son, Thomas and daughter-in-law Mary Ann Winn. (Who both died before Judith Sims, Williams's widow. Mary Ann died in 1818 and Thomas in 1838.) Thomas and Mary Ann had Grandchildren who married each other, Thomas H. Sims and Harriet Lee, who lost a little boy in 1864, during the height of the Civil War. In a letter to her husband, dated 18th of May 1864, it states that their little son, Grey, who drowned, was buried under the sugar tree next to his grandmother. (They both had the same grandmother, Mary Ann Winn.)The same letter also states that their son is buried next to his aunt. Harriet Lee and Thomas H. both lost an aunt, Evaline L. Sims, the same year as their son drowned. Quite a story, but there is a very large sugar tree on the property where all of the gravestones are currently there to this day. Small little cemetery, with a very rich history... Although I can't verify the burials for certain, it makes complete sense and so..I created paper headstones with the data.
Cross Cemetery, Vytvořil AYoung, Mount Pleasant, Maury, Tennessee, United States