Beith Auld Kirk

Beith, North Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom


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Per the North Ayrshire Council, Beith Auld Kirk Cemetery is located on Main Street, Beith. The Beith Auld Kirk started out as a parish church in 1593. The church was built in dedication to Saint Inan. Due to the fact that the kirk had been built on a cliff-side it was rebuilt as the new Parish Church from 1807 thru 1810 further up the hill. Portions of the Auld Kirk were moved. All that was left was the front door, the clock and the belfry at the old site. After the move, the Auld Kirk began to be used as a burial ground for the Woodside family. Later it was closed for further burials and partly renovated. There are no sepulchers left standing of the old families, and the earliest graves date back only till 1710. There are a number of memorials to the John Spier and Dobie family within the grounds of the Auld Kirk. There is also a memorial to Robert Patrick of Hazelhead (Inspector General of Army Hospitals) and his family on the grounds. Parts of the Auld Kirk manse can be seen from nearby Reform Street.
Beith Auld Kirk, Vytvořil andkaty, Beith, North Ayrshire, Scotland, United Kingdom