Resurrection Cemetery

Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, United States


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Also known as Calvary Cemetery, Holy Cross Cemetery. Resurrection Cemetery was founded in 1949, when the Diocese of Madison was formed, by combining two existing, adjoining cemeteries – Holy Cross and Calvary. These cemeteries were established in the mid-1800’s to serve the Catholic populations of the St. Raphael, Holy Redeemer, St. Patrick and St. James parishes in the downtown area. Today, Resurrection Cemetery serves the Catholic population of all the parishes in the Madison area, as well as former residents who have relocated out of town but wish to be buried back in Madison. The Cemetery is centrally located at Regent Street and Speedway in Madison, and is over 40 acres in size. Buried within Resurrection Cemetery are many of the pioneer citizens of Madison, as well as Bishop William O’Connor, the first Bishop of Madison, who died in 1973, Bishop Cletus O’Donnell, the second Bishop of Madison, who died in 1992, and Bishop Robert Morlino, the fourth bishop of Madison, who died in 2018. Many of the priests who have served the Diocese of Madison over its history are also buried at Resurrection. Resurrection Cemetery offers traditional in-ground burials, several mausoleums, columbariums, lawn crypts, and a new cremation garden for in-ground burial of cremation remains.
Resurrection Cemetery, Vytvořil BillionGraves, Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, United States