Marie Haislerová

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Hřbitov Litvínov-Horní Litvínov

Litvínov Ústí nad Labem 436 01
Czech Republic

Marie Haislerová

Born: 21 April 1922
Died: 9 January 1997
Age: 74 Years 8 Months 19 Days
People Buried Here
Anna Švancarová (Kavalírová)
Buried Here
13 Feb 1896 - 4 Apr 1970
Josef Švancar
Buried Here
7 Mar 1896 - 7 Aug 1972
Josef Haisler
Buried Here
29 Dec 1922 - 18 Mar 1992
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Anna Švancarová (Kavalírová)
Buried Here
13 Feb 1896 - 4 Apr 1970
Josef Švancar
Buried Here
7 Mar 1896 - 7 Aug 1972
Josef Haisler
Buried Here
29 Dec 1922 - 18 Mar 1992 record for Marie Haislerová (21 April 1922 - 9 January 1997), BillionGraves Record Hřbitov Litvínov-Horní Litvínov, Litvínov, Most District, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, unknown-continent