St Andrews Church, Kenn

Teignbridge, Devon, England, United Kingdom


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St. Andrews is one of the most beautiful churches in Devon. St Andrew’s Church exemplifies the quintessential village Church set amidst glorious countryside in the Kenn valley, and is surrounded by an ancient graveyard which is ‘a picture’, carpeted in the Spring with primroses, snowdrops and daffodils. The graveyard also contains an ancient yew tree. The present building has roots that go back a thousand years. The fabric of the building has absorbed the hopes and prayers of its congregations over the centuries. The Church is built of red ‘Heavitree’ sandstone. There is evidence of Norman origins but re-building was carried out in the Thirteenth Century and further enlargements in the Fifteenth Century. Much internal refurbishment and re-ordering was carried out by the ‘Tractarian’ Rector, the Rev’d R. Porter, in the latter part of the Nineteenth Century. St Andrew’s Parish Church is situated in the village of Kenn and serves Kenn, Kennford and Clapham. With St Martin ’s Exminster, All Saints Kenton and St Clement’s Powderham it is part of a United Benefice.
St Andrews Church, Kenn, Vytvořil sprayerman, Teignbridge, Devon, England, United Kingdom